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custom titanium nail

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How to hit a Titanium Domeless Nail?

To hit a titanium Domeless nail:

  1. Start by loading a joint to be smoked into the titanium nail.
  2. Heat the nail with a propane torch until it is red hot.
  3. Once the nail is hot enough, place the nail into a bong, bowl, or custom piece.
  4. Light the nail and inhale the smoke that is produced.  
dab nail

First, let me start by saying that this article is not meant to bash titanium nails; I love them. This article is just meant to provide information that will help people understand how titanium nails work.

Titanium nails are great because they don’t get as hot as regular ones. This means that your concentrates won’t get as hot, potentially leading to a better-tasting vapor. However, let’s assume that your titanium nail does get hot. Now, titanium nails are much harder, and you have to hit your nail harder. If your nail is too hot, and you hit it too hard, you could break your nail!

Titanium domeless nails are becoming more and more common these days. Some people like them and some people don’t. Everyone can agree that titanium domeless nails are more difficult to push in than standard copper or ceramic nails. This is because titanium is much softer than copper or ceramic. Over time, your titanium nail will get harder the more you use it. This is good because it makes the nail less susceptible to bending and breaking.

But, when you first begin using a titanium nail, it can become tough to push in. The most crucial tip for driving a titanium nail in is to keep your dabber as sharp as possible. A dull dabber will slide across the nail instead of digging in. Try to keep your dabber as sharp as possible. I like to use the 4 prong method to sharpen my dabbers.

Most domeless nails have either square or domed-shaped heads. The domed-shaped heads tend to be more forgiving than square heads. I like to dome my titanium nails, especially 14mm and under ones. This is because domed-shaped heads offer a bit of flex in the nail, making them easier to push in. I prefer the titanium domeless nail is the 14mm by 0.2 domeless nail. This nail is about average size. It’s neither too small nor too big. This nail comes in domeless or domed heads, whichever you prefer.

I prefer the titanium domeless nail is the 14mm by 0.2 domeless nail. This nail is about average size. It’s neither too small nor too big. This nail comes in domeless or domed heads, whichever you prefer.


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