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cnc milling

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What is the CNC milling process?

CNC Milling Process is a subtractive manufacturing process for machining flat, curved, or irregular surfaces. Milling machines remove material by movement within the workpiece or directly from the cutter’s shape. Reasons to mill shapes include making prototype parts, manufacturing tools, and mass production of custom parts.

cnc milling

The CNC milling process begins with a piece of raw material, usually metal or woodblock. This raw material is clamped to the machine table.

The CNC milling software then instructs the machine to move the bit in X, Y, and Z directions within the specified tolerances, works using two directions, XYZ. In XYZ, the XYZ axis indicates the
positions of the cutter head, which can move vertically, horizontally,
and vertically.

The cutting tool moves across both the X and Y axes.The bit removes material only where necessary, so the rest of the material remains. The software repeats this process with a series of coordinates until the part is finished.

The CNC milling process includes the five basic operations: milling, drilling, boring, reaming, and tapping. Moreover, the CNC milling includes face, end, slot, pocket, shoulder, profile, and profile milling according to the different cutting tools. The CNC milling process has the advantages of fast speed, high accuracy, high stability, high efficiency, low cost, etc. Most applicated in electronics, automotive, aviation, aerospace, medical, mold, tool and die, etc.


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