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What is Titanium Pen?

Titanium is the pen of the future, the present, the “now.” It has never been before, and it will never be again. It remains virtually scratchproof — while rollers subtract and blunt from more common metals, they stay integrated into the Titanium — permanently.

Titanium lasts a lifetime — again, while the advantages of other metals are excellent, they cease the minute the pen is wrung out of ink. Titanium is forever. With a pen made from Titanium, you will never need to buy another pen, which is psychologically incredibly comforting to the owner. One’s self-esteem soars higher with the purchase of a high-end titanium pen.

So, it’s lightweight and durable, but is there anything else? Yes! It’s un-WoW-able! Okay, maybe some of you are like Private Ryan, and you don’t understand what the hell we mean when we say ‘un-Wow’-able, so let keep it real simple: You know what a WOW factor will be — even if you can’t identify what that factor is, you know it’s there. Well, when we say something can be un-Wow’-able, we mean, you could have known that before reading the phrase. 

Someone might say that their 360 Sim would be a great WOW factor. Not really. We could already know that it’s there just from the title. So a WOW factor is something that’s perceptive but obvious at the same time. We all would like our point to our WOW factor to be as un-Perceptive as possible.

Can you see the benefit?

Titanium is unmistakable. It screams quality and luxury. Other expensive metals may whisper these qualities, but Titanium projects them effortlessly. Okay…so What Silver Pens Can Do That Titanium Pens Can’t? ‘Nothing’ is the answer. We have been unable to find a pen from silver or gold that attains the same level of luxury and prestige as a pen made from Titanium. I’m sold! 

Any other concerns? YES: Now that you are aware of Titanium’s many benefits, you may be concerned about price. True, Titanium is a more rare metal than gold or silver, but it still comes at a reasonable level with outstanding quality.

Go on the Internet, and you can begin your search for local, trustworthy suppliers. So what prices can we expect? Well, Titanium is a highly personalized choice. Titanium can set your budget anywhere between the lower street price of a few hundred dollars — to some high payouts, indefinitely pricey options.

IMPORTANT: Be careful that you don’t get ripped off. There are a lot of disreputable companies out there. That takes us to the final point to remember when considering metal choices, or really in any purchase.


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